Saturday, May 24, 2014

Yummy Sugar Free Brownies

from my girl Gabrielle Bernstein
1 cup almond flour

1 Tbsp. organic baking powder

1 Tbsp. hemp milk (or almond milk)

1 Tbsp. of hemp seeds

1 Tbsp. of chia seeds

10 drops sweet leaf vanilla stevia (or more if you want it sweeter, careful with stevia — it’s strong!)

½ cup organic coconut flakes

2 Tbsp. raw organic almond butter (with no added sugar)

1 egg (If you’re vegan you can try this recipe without the egg)

1½ Tbsp. organic coconut oil

Dash of salt

½ cup organic cacao powder (you can add more if you want extra chocolate)
Handful crushed walnuts (optional)


1. Grease a small (8×8 or 9×9) brownie pan with coconut oil or organic butter.
2. Combine all ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir completely.
3. Once the ingredients are completely mixed, pour the mix into the greased brownie pan.
4. Bake at 350° for 20 minutes.
5. Remove the pan from the oven and let cool for 15 to 20 minutes. Practice the art of patience.


 Happy Baking!
Love always,

Monday, May 19, 2014

Blissful Living

Many truths exist and I would like to show you some of the higher, sophisticated realms of love, bliss and awareness.  I invite you to explore and to expand your thinking into new, advanced ideas. 
More and more now you and I are reaching new levels of consciousness and love.  By living our truths we are showing the world a new way of thinking.

As we join to explore consciousness, and experience our creation from a new perspective, heightened states of happiness, love, abundance and fulfillment move quickly to us, saturating our mind, body and soul with the infinite potential. When we view our experiences though the eyes of love and forgiveness, we recognize the universe as friendly and abundant and we easily live in a state of joy! 

Stay grounded and direct positive thoughts to the universe, the divine, God and the infinite potential.  In doing so, you create a shared design of inspiration, creativeness, stimulation and vision.  By directing optimism onto the world, and to all that is, you intuitively inspire others to accept and love themselves the way they yearn to, the way they were meant to.  By projecting positive thoughts and emotions into the sea of consciousness, you are allowing strong energetic thoughts to become a magnet to those souls searching for a better experience. 

If you are one of the many on your path towards enlightenment you understand that any thought that occupies the mind gets its physical equivalent.  Completely focusing on a single idea will bring the idea to life...birthing new ideas and concepts into our physical reality.  Directing your energies on a single idea, allows you to become the healer, the inventor, the artist, the composer, the Olympic gold medalist…. The master at whatever you choose to concentrate on.  To go even further imagine what it would be like if groups of people intentionally focused on the same constructive goal, together, to deliver rapid results at a higher level.  Is it possible that we as a collective mind could alter the physical reality we exist in?  Perhaps we are already doing that.  Perhaps the daily habits of TV watching, ego shopping, gossiping, complaining, comparing and over-indulging in the negative is creating the reality that so many are experiencing.   Perhaps Mahatma Gandhi was right with his simple saying to “Be the change you wish to see.”  It’s so simple!  Think from love, speak from love, act from love and love will be your reality. 

I believe we are going through a global transformation and soon we will experience a shift in human perception as the majority will learn to embrace higher thoughts daily, consciously making an effort to hold images of love, peace and oneness in the mind.

To enjoy new experiences of abundant love, peace and joy, change the way you think, and change the way you talk.   Before speaking, breathe.  Before speaking, think.  Language is so powerful, the words you choose to say, consciously and unconsciously, are reaching beyond the small space around you.  The words you choose to say by the thoughts you allow yourself to think are reaching into the depths of your own inner being and influencing how you feel.  The emotions you have stem from your thought patterns, your beliefs and the world you choose to accept. 

To some, life seems unbalanced.  They struggle with the thoughts filling their mind.  Realizing that more negative than positive thoughts “appear” in their mind daily, creating depression, loneliness and an unhealthy environment. Maybe you feel as if the negative thoughts and images you have are uncontrollable or overwhelming.  This is simply untrue. A negative way of thinking is a habit that can be replaced with a positive way of thinking.  The negative thoughts that are in your mind can be substituted with positive thoughts and healthy images, inducing feelings of joy and well-being.  Any bad habit can be stopped if replaced by a good habit…. So we just need to get into the habit of thinking more positively.   There are mind tools that we can use to help us create a positive change in our thought patterns.  Tools like hypnosis and meditation are great because they help us tune into the reason we think certain things, help us process and release the thought and make room for a more positive way of life.

As divine souls we eventually remember, and once again know that true happiness comes from within. So, we find our connection with self, higher- self, creator and all that is and are able to make leaps and bounds in our experience of life, finding true happiness through our self-discovery.

If you're interested in hypnosis and how it can greatly change your life.... helping your reach your goals, discover your true happiness and find love... I recommend you reach out to Adrian Rusin,  a globally recognized hypnotherapist who has worked with hundreds of people all over the world.  he travels for speaking engagements and trains others in self hypnosis.  He has changed the lives of so many people I know...

....You just might discover a new you!  A happier you.... a healthier you... a You that has been waiting to come out and enjoy life!

Love you always,

                                                                     © 2014 Amanda Lee Mercer.  All Rights Reserved.                                                                        

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Sound of the Universe

When I asked SIRI, "What does it means to Ommmmm"  This is what she said:

Om: a mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra. It appears at the beginning and end of most Sanskrit recitations, prayers, and texts.

Inspired - Water colored this today :~D

Valerie Reiss from the Huffington Post writes.... "It also unites us as a group. "When we sound om together, we're aligning body/mind/spirit; we're aligning with one another; we're aligning with the universe because it's the sound of the universe and we're referencing something real," says Bhavani Lorraine Nelson, who leads workshops around the world on the power of the voice and is the creator of the CD series Meditation Made Possible. "It's a very grounding and peaceful sound. One teacher said that if you simply go through life chanting om, the very air around you will sparkle."

Is it the sound of the universe???? Or... Perhaps a representation of our Past, Present and Future?

"The first paragraph of the Mandukya sheds some light on where those obscure answers originate – it states,
“The syllable OM, which is the imperishable Brahman, is the universe.  Whatsoever has existed, whatsoever exists, and whatsoever shall exist hereafter, is OM.  And whatsoever transcends past, present, and future, that also is OM.” 
Brahman can be viewed as divinity – both the divinity within the Self and everything else which is divine, including that which creates divinity.  A technique that can help if you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with the concept of Brahman is to replace it with whatever word you associate with a higher power.  It can be God, Jesus, Buddha, Mother Nature or anything else that represents the divine to you.  Om is the sound that represents this higher power and its connection to each of us.
The next paragraph elaborates,
“All this that we see without is Brahman.  This Self that is within is Brahman.  This Self, which is one with OM, has three aspects, and beyond these three, different from them and indefinable – The Fourth.”
Everything that surrounds us has an aspect of the divine, just as we do ourselves.  The chanting of the sound Om reminds us of those connections to the divine and to each other.  But Om also represents the states of human consciousness.  The Mandukya talks of three states of consciousness – plus an indescribable Fourth.
The first state of consciousness, known as Vaishvanara, is waking state which is focused outward to material objects.  The waking state is represented in the symbol by the lower curve (the bottom of the “3”).  The second state of consciousness, Taijasa, is dreaming sleep or the mental nature which is focused inward to only the thoughts in the mind.  The dreaming state is represented by the curl coming out of the center of the “3.”  The third state of consciousness, Prajna, is dreamless sleep or deep meditation.  As stated in the text, “…the veil of unconsciousness envelopes his thought and knowledge, and the subtle impressions of his mind apparently vanish.”  The dreamless state is represented by the top curve (the upper part of the “3”).
The Fourth state of consciousness, known as Turiya, is the hardest to describe – in fact, the text calls it “indescribable.”  But perhaps the best attempt to describe it is as follows,
“It is pure unitary consciousness, wherein awareness of the world and of multiplicity is completely obliterated.  It is ineffable peace.  It is the supreme good.  It is One without a second.  It is the Self.  Know it alone!  This Self, beyond all words, is the syllable OM.”
The Fourth state is represented in the symbol much as it is described in the text.  It is separate from and different than the other three states – visually represented by the crescent and dot in the upper right.  These four states of consciousness are part of the makeup of human nature.  They exist in all of us at all times. 
Each of these states is represented not only in the symbol, but also in the sound.  Om is comprised of three distinct Sanskrit sounds – A-U-M.  The A and U together create the sound “O.”  The A represents Vaishvanara, the U is Taijasa, and the M is Prajna.  But what of Turiya?  How is it represented in the sound Om?  It is represented by the silence that follows the sound.  Have you ever noticed the peacefulness of the seconds just after an Om?  That is a subtle expression of Turiya – The Fourth state.
Om is a sound and a symbol which is rich in meaning and depth.  It represents the divine in each of us, as well as our interconnectivity.  It reminds us that we have the ability to move past our physical and mental states of consciousness and connect with the divine – both in ourselves and others.  
In its essence, Om represents the sound of divinity in all things in the past, present and future."

Happy "Om-ing"  

Peace and Love


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

News Worth Reading...

I'm so loving what I saw on the magazine wall at 
Barnes and Nobel today:

Love and Blessings,

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Soon I'll be posting AUDIO and VIDEO downloads for:
~Guided Imagery ~
              ~Self Hypnosis             
      ~Healing Affirmations~      

Be Connected
Allow Creativity


© 2014 Amanda Lee Mercer.  All Rights Reserved.

Truth is written on the card....

Spirit talks to us in so many ways... 
I pulled this lovely card this morning.  Isn't it so very true that to have SUCCESS one must be PATIENT.

Life is a marathon my friends, Not a race.



© 2014 Amanda Lee Mercer.  All Rights Reserved.

REAL MAGIC ~ Transforming life with Mind

Over the past year my life has been ebbing and flowing in many directions as I settle into a new life.  But, as of late, my vibrational energies have been on an inspirational flow upward towards creativity, happiness, love, truth and success.    So many synchronistic moments have captured the minutes of my days and I’m so grateful to have the wisdom to notice these gems in my life, acknowledge their importance and be guided by my intuition to live my best life. 

Accidents have transformed into lessons, lessons into miracles, strangers into friends, friends into love.  More and more now I see a beautiful self-created, thought and emotionally manifested world of opportunity.  The world is full of beauty and excitement and as I truly begin listening to my subconscious and master the art of balancing my analytic mind with my Spirit mind.... I quickly see the magic of life unfold before me.  
I have made some pretty wild, risky moves in love, money and location.  Some call me foolish, some call me inspirational… either way, I know I follow my heart and emotion, and I am forever grateful to myself for allowing change to happen in my life even though the human illusion of fear keeps trying to tip-toe into my consciousness. 

I am strong, brilliant, beautiful and powerful and I ONLY allow moments, people, thoughts and emotions that vibrate at a level of divine stimulus resonate within the precious world of me and I. 

I’m excited to share my journey of a beautifully manifested world with you!

I have seen REAL magic right before my eyes, and MIRACLES take my breath away. 

I have learned how to use the most powerful tool that mankind owns…. His mind.

I vow to teach those who want to learn how to use their God given tool to live their GREATEST EXISTENCE, make all their DREAMS come TRUE, fall into REAL LOVE, become a SUCCESS STORY and to LEAD their life with PASSION!

Blessings to you!


© 2014 Amanda Lee Mercer.  All Rights Reserved.