Friday, April 18, 2014


What TRUE LOVE truly is.... 
and how to ATTRACT it into your life

Receiving love starts with self-love, which is recognizing how loved you are now and understanding that you are lovable.  Know this truth about yourself and the world will reflect the same love back.

We are all pure love and are lovable, we must believe this about ourselves, and we do.  Deep down inside of us veiled in the depths of our superconscious mind we have the blueprint of love…. We are already fully aware that we are loved and we are lovable. Once we recognize this truth, we discover the secret of love.

To draw perfect, beautiful, pure love into our lives we must first understand that we attract into our lives who we already are.  Look around and see the reflections of self in the people you encounter.  Becoming the qualities you look for in another person allows you to attract that special love to you.  Become the love you seek!

When we are in love we are healing and renewing ourselves and those around us because love offers us well-being, inspiration and creativity.  Love reveals to us how eternal we are, allowing us to carry peace, bliss and harmony with every step we take, and word we speak.  When we are in love, we are living in Spirit.

When we are in love our bodies are fluid and graceful, and we live joyfully, embracing the deep knowing and full connection with self and Spirit.

© 2014 Amanda Lee Mercer.  All Rights Reserved.

Photo Credit - Adrian Rusin Hypnosis

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