Saturday, April 19, 2014

REAL MAGIC ~ Transforming life with Mind

Over the past year my life has been ebbing and flowing in many directions as I settle into a new life.  But, as of late, my vibrational energies have been on an inspirational flow upward towards creativity, happiness, love, truth and success.    So many synchronistic moments have captured the minutes of my days and I’m so grateful to have the wisdom to notice these gems in my life, acknowledge their importance and be guided by my intuition to live my best life. 

Accidents have transformed into lessons, lessons into miracles, strangers into friends, friends into love.  More and more now I see a beautiful self-created, thought and emotionally manifested world of opportunity.  The world is full of beauty and excitement and as I truly begin listening to my subconscious and master the art of balancing my analytic mind with my Spirit mind.... I quickly see the magic of life unfold before me.  
I have made some pretty wild, risky moves in love, money and location.  Some call me foolish, some call me inspirational… either way, I know I follow my heart and emotion, and I am forever grateful to myself for allowing change to happen in my life even though the human illusion of fear keeps trying to tip-toe into my consciousness. 

I am strong, brilliant, beautiful and powerful and I ONLY allow moments, people, thoughts and emotions that vibrate at a level of divine stimulus resonate within the precious world of me and I. 

I’m excited to share my journey of a beautifully manifested world with you!

I have seen REAL magic right before my eyes, and MIRACLES take my breath away. 

I have learned how to use the most powerful tool that mankind owns…. His mind.

I vow to teach those who want to learn how to use their God given tool to live their GREATEST EXISTENCE, make all their DREAMS come TRUE, fall into REAL LOVE, become a SUCCESS STORY and to LEAD their life with PASSION!

Blessings to you!


© 2014 Amanda Lee Mercer.  All Rights Reserved.

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